Tutorial - How to Make Squat Toilet / Squat Water Closet

How To Make Cement Squat Toilet 

  1. Fine sand (approximately 15 glasses @ 200 mL)
  2. Portland Cement (approximately 10 glasses @ 200 mL)
  3. Calcium (3 cups @ 200 mL)
  4. U-POX brands (Danapaint products) -> we are not promotions but this is the result of our practice for almost 7 years and have tried various brands of paint. Only this paint can resist and stick to our well-made closet.
  5. Tinner Acrilic

  1. Plastic Bucket 8 liters
  2. Mineral Water Mineral Plastic Glass (@ 200 mL)
  3. Cutok / spoon of cement
  4. Mold closet + goose neck prints
  5. Perapi mall (made from small wooden boards)
  6. Small Raskram
  7. Brush
  8. Used cloth
  9. Engine oil or cooking oil
  10. Compressor or use Bike + Spet Pump
  11. Used Clothes Slippers (not worn)
  12. Plastic used dish soap

Before starting the toilet preparation, it should make / print the "swan neck" first. Print as much as possible before
make body toilet

How to Make "Swan Neck"

    1. Open the mold, clean it and then lubricated until the oil average, then closed again
    2. Make the dough with a mixture of 1 cup aqua semen, 1 glass aqua fine sand mixed to taste
    3. The well-mixed mixture is then poured in the mold (through the small opening) until it is full, allow ± 12 hours and then carefully remove the molded mold so as not to crack. (do not dry in the sunshine.

    MAIN STEP (after "swan neck" ready)

    1. Clean the mold with a cloth, then lubricated with oil / lubricant thinly.
    2. Make the first dough with a mixture of cement 5 cups and 2½ to 3 cups of calcium, mixed with enough water, then poured into the mold until flat and then left 1 - 1½ hours.
    3. Create a second dough, with a cement mix of 5 cups, 5 cups of calcite and 15 cups of sand. Mixed with enough water then applied to the mold that has been coated first dough earlier. Allow up to 1-1½ hours
    4. Shaping body. After the body is formed then cut the neck withn size ± 4 cm from the top of the mold or adult finger knuckle After it is installed swan neck
    5. Press with the fingers of the entire mortar on the edge of the mold to be solid and easy to open
    6. Rub and gently press the entire cement mortar body (1 hour after the plaster is finished) by using a plastic soap dish so that it is smooth. (When using a brush, the result is a bit rough, preferably using this dishwasher soap palstic.

    Installation of swan neck
    1. The swan neck is soaked briefly with water.
    2. Then make the dough to stick the goose with the mixture: 1 cup of cement, 1 cup of calcium and 1 glass of fine sand
    3. Improve Bodi
    4. After the goose neck attached, the body is perfected with a small scrubbing tool, until the body is really nice and smooth,
    5. After a bit dry rubbed with sampaihalus
    6. Print Release
    7. Release can be done after at least 18-20 hours since the second layer but the best with 24 hours

    How to release
    Mold is tilted, hold the swan's neck and then knocked / hit the edge with the wooden hand / hammer slowly apart.

    1. After loose, close all of small holes and edge with sandpaper, after it was washed to remove the former oil. Then finished using Nat-cement or MU cement (Main Mortal)
    2. How: cement dampened with water then smeared with a surface closet and rubbed with scrap clippers scrap
    3. until the pores closed all. After that leave for at least 24 hours. Surface closet that has been finished
    4. and dried and then sanded with the most delicate sandpaper. The envelope should not be pressed hard but slowly until smooth, let ± 24 hours ago painted.

    Using Cat U POX + Tinner Acrilic with mixture: 3 tablespoons of paint, 2 tablespoons hardener and 6 tablespoons tinner acrilic, for 1 time spray 1 closet.

    From small and simple things we are able to change things. Hopefully useful to all of you and hopefully we all facilitated.

    Pics Attachments:
      1. "Swan Neck" after printed (ready after 12 hours-24 hours)
      2. Mold of "Swan Neck"
      3. The Goose Neck Mold looks over (in parts over there is a filling hole cement and mortar sand)
      4. Mold of Squat Toilet
      5. (ordinary model toilet / only for adults)
      6. Closet mold made of fiber
      7. Various toilet molds
      8. The result is a child-friendly toilet (can be used for adults too)
      9. The process of pouring mortar for layers smooth top (surface of toilet).
      10. Making body / body after toilet coating finely poured (wait at least 15 minutes after finishing powder)
      11. The process of connecting body toilet and neck swan (do not forget to punch in part the bottom of the toilet for the flow of feces and place of water pooled over the toilet hole)
      12. The closet is already dry (5-12 hours for the already expert) and opened from the mold. After this is just a washing  process, and rubbed with the finest sandpaper.
      13. Give the hole by scraping this section, measured about 4.5 cm from peak toilet mold. This is important before the swan neck is connected with a toilet body.

                                                                Thanks to Mr. Izzudin and other colleagues whom we can not mention here. Thanks to Plan Indonesia and SNV Indonesia.

                                                                One of the authors of this tutorial was invited to train in Vietnam in 2012.

                                                                For tutorial in video form, can be seen in Youtube account:
                                                                please click here (Youtube channel: Bakul Kloset). Please click the Subscribe button.

                                                                To buy the mold of squat toilet, please visit our online shop:
                                                                Silakan menghubungi kami di
                                                                Nama Penanggungjawab: Cahyo
                                                                alamat email: udronggolo@gmail.com
                                                                telp/WA: +62 858 66 909 838


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